Adriano Espaillat NY-13

Adriano Espaillat


Current Position: US Representative of NY District 13 since 2017
Affiliation: Democrat
Former Position: State Delegate from 1997 – 2010
District: Includes Upper Manhattan and parts of the West Bronx.

Featured Quote: 
Just a reminder that Mitch McConnell blocked Merrick Garland 8 months before an election but confirmed Amy Coney Barrett 8 days before an election when 65 million people had already voted. Court packing is the Republican playbook.

Adriano Espaillat is the first Dominican American and first formerly Undocumented immigrant to serve in Congress.  He challenged then-Representative Charles Rangel in the Democratic primaries in 2012 and 2014, eventually winning the Democratic nomination in 2016 after Rangel announced his retirement. Espaillat represents one of the most Democratic districts in the country, with a Cook Partisan Voting Index of D+38.

Congressman Adriano Espaillat: State of the District Address

OnAir Post: Adriano Espaillat NY-13



Source: Government page

Adriano Espaillat 1U.S. Representative Adriano Espaillat proudly represents New York’s Thirteenth Congressional District.

Representative Espaillat is the first Dominican American to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives and his congressional district includes Harlem, East Harlem, West Harlem, Hamilton Heights, Washington Heights, Inwood, Marble Hill, and the north-west Bronx.

First elected to Congress in 2016, Representative Espaillat was sworn into office on January 3, 2017, during the 115th Congress and is serving his fourth term in Congress.

Representative Espaillat serves as a member of the influential U.S. House Committee on Appropriations responsible for funding the federal government’s vital activities and is ranking member of the legislative branch subcommittee on the committee. Additionally, Representative Espaillat serves on the House Budget Committee. He is Deputy Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) and is Chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI). Representative Espaillat is a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) and is a Senior Whip of the Democratic Caucus. Through his committee assignments and caucus leadership positions, Representative Espaillat helps advance and amplify legislative priorities and accomplishments that aim to improve the lives of families around the nation.

Together with his Democratic colleagues, Representative Espaillat worked to pass more than 900 bills during the 116th Congress, including bipartisan legislation to clean up government, defend access to affordable health care, lower prescription drug costs, respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, invest in our nation’s infrastructure, and support policies for job creation and economic growth. Additionally, during the 116th Congress, Representative Espaillat introduced more than 40 bills and resolutions aimed at improving the lives of constituents, helping small businesses become more competitive and recover from the pandemic, protecting the rights of immigrants, securing funds to complete the Second Avenue Subway’s extension into East Harlem, and helping to secure federal grant funding for New York’s 13th congressional district.

A steadfast champion for working- and middle-class New Yorkers, Representative Espaillat is a staunch advocate of a fair living wage, immediate and effective investments in affordable housing, meaningful criminal justice reform, infrastructure improvements, expanded youth programs, and better educational opportunities.

Throughout the tenure of his career in public service, Representative Espaillat has been a vocal advocate for protecting tenants, improving schools, and making serious, smart investments in economic development, job creation, and environmental protection. Prior to coming to Congress, he served as a New York State Senator during which he represented the neighborhoods of Marble Hill, Inwood, Washington Heights, Hamilton Heights, West Harlem, the Upper West Side, Hell’s Kitchen, Clinton, and Chelsea.

While in the New York State Senate, he served as the Ranking Member of the Senate Housing, Construction, and Community Development Committee; Chairman of the Senate Puerto Rican/Latino Caucus; and as a member of the Environmental Conservation, Economic Development, Codes, Insurance, and Judiciary committees. Prior to his tenure as a state senator, he served in the New York State Assembly, and in 1996 became the first Dominican American elected to a state legislature. In 2002, Espaillat was elected chair of the New York State Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian Legislative Caucus.

Prior to entering elected office, Representative Espaillat served as the Manhattan Court Services Coordinator for the NYC Criminal Justice Agency, a non-profit organization that provides legal services to those in need and works to reduce unnecessary pretrial detention and post-sentence incarceration costs. He later worked as Director of the Washington Heights Victims Services Community Office, an organization offering counseling and other services to families of victims of homicides and other crimes, and as the Director of Project Right Start, a national initiative funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to combat substance abuse by educating the parents of pre-school children.

Representative Espaillat is a proud father and grandfather and is a member of the historic Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated.


El congresista Adriano Espaillat representa orgullosamente el Distrito Congresual 13° de Nueva York.

El congresista Espaillat es el primer domínico-estadounidense en servir en la Cámara de Representantes de los Estados Unidos y su distrito congresual incluye Harlem, East Harlem, West Harlem, Hamilton Heights, Washington Heights, Inwood, Marble Hill y el noroeste de El Bronx.

Elegido por primera vez al Congreso en 2016, el congresista Espaillat asumió el cargo el 3 de enero de 2017, durante el Congreso 115° y está cumpliendo su tercer mandato.

El congresista Espaillat actualmente se desempeña como miembro del influyente Comité de Apropiaciones de la Cámara de Representantes de los EE. UU., responsable de financiar las actividades vitales del Gobierno federal para mantener a los Estados Unidos seguros, fuertes y avanzando. El congresista Espaillat también es miembro del Comité de Educación y Trabajo de la Cámara de Representantes y del Caucus Hispano del Congreso (CHC), donde desempeña un papel de liderazgo como segundo vicepresidente, y es miembro del Caucus Progresista del Congreso, donde se desempeña como coordinador adjunto. El congresista Espaillat también se desempeña como coordinador sénior del Caucus Demócrata. A través de sus asignaciones en comités y posiciones de liderazgo en el caucus, el congresista Espaillat ayuda a avanzar y amplificar las prioridades y logros legislativos que tienen como objetivo mejorar la vida de las familias en toda la nación.

Junto con sus colegas demócratas, el congresista Espaillat trabajó para aprobar más de 900 proyectos de ley durante el Congreso 116 °, incluida una legislación bipartidista para limpiar el gobierno, defender el acceso a atención médica asequible, reducir los costos de los medicamentos recetados, responder a la pandemia de COVID-19, invertir en la infraestructura de nuestra nación y las políticas de apoyo para la creación de empleo y el crecimiento económico. Además, durante el Congreso 116 °, el congresista Espaillat introdujo más de 40 proyectos de ley y resoluciones dirigidas a mejorar la vida de los constituyentes, ayudar a las pequeñas empresas a ser más competitivas y recuperarse de la pandemia, proteger los derechos de los inmigrantes y obtener fondos para completar la extensión a East Harlem del Subway de la Segunda Avenida, y ayudar a asegurar fondos de subvenciones federales para el Distrito Congresual 13° de Nueva York.

Un defensor constante de los neoyorquinos de las clases media y trabajadora, el congresista Espaillat es un firme defensor de un salario digno, inversiones inmediatas y efectivas en viviendas asequibles, reformas significativas de la justicia penal, mejoras en infraestructura, de la ampliación de los programas para la juventud, y de mejores oportunidades educativas.

A lo largo de su mandato como servidor público, el congresista Espaillat ha sido un firme defensor de la protección de los inquilinos, del mejoramiento de las escuelas, y de las inversiones serias e inteligentes en materia de desarrollo económico, creación de empleo y protección ambiental. Antes de llegar al Congreso de los Estados Unidos, sirvió como senador estatal de Nueva York, representando a las comunidades de Marble Hill, Inwood, Washington Heights, Hamilton Heights, West Harlem, el Upper West Side, Hell’s Kitchen, Clinton y Chelsea.

Mientras estuvo en el Senado Estatal de Nueva York, sirvió como miembro de rango del Comité de Vivienda, Construcción y Desarrollo Comunitario del Senado, y presidente del Caucus Puertorriqueño/Latino del Senado; también fue miembro de los Comités de Conservación Ambiental, Desarrollo Económico, Códigos, Seguros y Judicial. Antes de convertirse en senador estatal, sirvió en la Asamblea del Estado de Nueva York, y fue el primer domínico-estadounidense elegido a una legislatura estatal. En 2002, Espaillat fue elegido presidente del Caucus Legislativo Afroamericano, Puertorriqueño, Hispano y Asiático.

Antes de ingresar en el servicio público, Espaillat sirvió como coordinador de Servicios de la Corte de Manhattan para la Agencia de Justicia Penal de NYC, una organización sin fines de lucro que proporciona servicios legales a personas necesitadas y trabaja para reducir los costos innecesarios en detención previa al juicio y de prisión posterior a la sentencia. Más tarde trabajó como director de la Oficina Comunitaria de Servicios a las Víctimas de Washington Heights, una organización que ofrece consejería y otros servicios a las familias de las víctimas de homicidios y otros delitos, y como director del Proyecto Right Start, una iniciativa nacional, financiado por la Fundación Robert Wood Johnson, para luchar contra el abuso de drogas mediante la educación de los padres de los niños en edad preescolar.

El congresista Espaillat se siente orgulloso de ser padre y abuelo.


Full Name:  Adriano Espaillat

Gender:  Male

Family:  Married; 2 Children

Birth Date:  09/27/1954

Birth Place:  Dominican Republic

Home City:  New York, NY

Religion:  Catholic



Attended, Leadership for Urban Executives Institute, Rutgers University

Attended, New York University

BS, Political Science, Queens College, 1978

Political Experience

Representative, United States House of Representatives, New York, District 13, 2017-present

Candidate, United States House of Representatives, New York, District 13, 2022

Senator, New York State Senate, District 31, 2010-2017

Member, New York State Assembly, 1996-2010


Washington, DC Office

2332 Rayburn House Office Building
WashingtonDC 20515
Phone: 202-225-4365
Fax: 202-226-9731

Bronx Office

3107 Kingsbridge Avenue
BronxNY 10463
Phone: 646-740-3632

Harlem Office

163 West 125th Street, #508, Harlem State Office Building
​New YorkNY 10027a
Main Phone: 212-663-3900


Email: Government page

Web Links


Source: none


Source: Open Secrets


House Committee on Appropriations

  • Subcommittee on Legislative Branch, Ranking Member

House Committee on Budget

Caucus Leadership

Congressional Hispanic Caucus, Deputy Chair

Latino-Jewish Caucus, Co-Chair

Congressional Progressive Caucus

Caucus Membership

Labor Caucus

Foster Youth Caucus

LGBT Equality Caucus

Black Maternal Health Caucus

New Americans Caucus

Expand Social Security Caucus


Pro-Choice Caucus

Steel Caucus

Wine Caucus

Medicare for All Caucus

Friends of the Dominican Republic Caucus

Friends of Ecuador Caucus

New Legislation

Learn more about legislation sponsored and co-sponsored by Congressman Espaillat.


Source: Government page

Congressmember Adriano Espaillat is a tireless advocate of civil rights, and has been a champion for the LGBTQ community. As one of his first acts in Congress, he joined the LGBT Equality Caucus.

Congressmember Espaillat was also an original cosponsor of the Equality Act of 2017.

Congressman Espaillat posing with a group of youth from the Grand Slam Club

Congressmember Adriano Espaillat is thrilled and honored to serve on the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. In addition to sitting on the full committee, Congressmember Espaillat is a member of the Subcommittees on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP), as well as Higher Education and Workforce Development.

Gathering in a wooded park

Energy, Pollution, and Public Health

Representing one of the densest districts in the country, and hailing from New York City, Congressmember Espaillat understands and appreciates the challenges of ensuring and adequate, affordable, and clean energy supply to the American people. He is strongly supportive of implementing policies and increasing research and investment funding focused on developing and promoting energy efficiency, alternative and renewable energy sources, and reducing the emission of greenhouse gasses.

Gathering of people at a long table discussing Foreign Affairs

As the first Dominican American to serve in Congress, Congressmember Adriano Espaillat is honored to serve on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the Western Hemisphere Subcommittee.

Congressman Espaillat speaking with a woman in a wheelchair about Healthcare

Congressmember Espaillat firmly believes that healthcare is a right. Not only do individuals need access to health insurance, but they need affordable access to health insurance.

Congressman Espaillat addressing a crowd by the Washington monument about Housing

Housing is at the core of the American Dream, and unfortunately the aspiration to own your own home is at risk of slipping further away from the hands of working class and middle class families. As a former tenant organizer, Congressmember Adriano Espaillat brings the heart, knowledge, and fight for housing rights to the halls of Congress.

Congressman Espaillat addressing a crowd about Immigration

Office Immigration Hours: Monday – Thursday, from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
The Office of Congressman Adriano Espaillat accepts casework to support and provide guidance for various immigration-related issues on Monday – Thursday from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. Due to the volume of requests, please call to schedule an appointment.

Congressman Espaillat at a payday action event

Our nation’s workforce is the lifeblood of our economy. Congressmember Espaillat firmly believes that the best path to economic stability and success on an individual, family, and national level is a good paying job. This begins with ensuring that our workers are making enough money to support themselves and their families. No one should have to work multiple jobs simply to make ends meet, which is why Congressmember Espaillat is a strong proponent of increasing the federal minimum wage to a living wage.

NYC Subway conductor checking passenger boarding and exiting the train

Our roads, public transportation, and pedestrian walkways are in dire need of funding. As the Chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus’ Transportation, Housing, and Infrastructure Task Force, Congressmember Adriano Espaillat plans to bring transportation funding to the forefront of legislative issues that need to be tackled.

More Information


Source: Government page


Source: Wikipedia

New York’s 13th congressional district is a congressional district for the United States House of Representatives in New York City, represented by Adriano Espaillat.

The 13th district comprises Upper Manhattan and parts of the West Bronx. It includes The Bronx neighborhoods of Bedford Park, Jerome Park, Kingsbridge Heights, parts of Norwood, and parts of Fordham, Kingsbridge, Morris Heights, and University Heights, and the Manhattan neighborhoods of Harlem, Inwood, Marble Hill, Spanish Harlem, Washington Heights, and parts of Morningside Heights and the Upper West Side. The Apollo Theater and Grant’s Tomb are within the district. With a Cook Partisan Voting Index rating of D+38, it is the most Democratic district in New York.


Adriano de Jesús Espaillat Rodríguez (/ˌɑːdriˈɑːn ˌɛspˈjɑːt/ AH-dree-AH-noh ESS-pie-YAHT; born September 27, 1954) is a Dominican-American politician. He is the U.S. representative for New York’s 13th congressional district and the first Dominican American and first formerly undocumented immigrant to serve in Congress.[1] He previously served in the New York State Senate and the New York State Assembly.[2]

Espaillat was a ranking member of the New York Senate Housing, Construction and Community Development Committee and chaired the Senate Latino Caucus. He represented the neighborhoods of Marble Hill, Inwood, Washington Heights, Hamilton Heights, Manhattanville, Morningside Heights, East Harlem and the Upper West Side in Manhattan.

Espaillat is a Democrat. He challenged then-Representative Charles Rangel in the Democratic primaries in 2012 and 2014, eventually winning the Democratic nomination in 2016 after Rangel announced his retirement. Espaillat represents one of the most Democratic districts in the country, with a Cook Partisan Voting Index of D+38.[3]

Early life and education

Espaillat was born on September 27, 1954, in Santiago, Dominican Republic,[4][5] to Melba (née Rodríguez) and Ulises Espaillat. His father was named after 19th-century liberal Dominican president Ulises Espaillat.

Espaillat has claimed that Dominican president Ulises Espaillat was his great-grandfather;[6][7] however, according to Dominican genealogist Edwin Espinal Hernández, a fellow of the Dominican Institute of Genealogy, Espaillat is not a descendant of former President Ulises Espaillat nor is related by him by blood, according to his research Adriano Espaillat is second-great-grandson of the military hero Pedro Ignacio Espaillat, who is descended from black African former slaves of Francisco Espaillat, an 18th-century French slaveholder and governor of the Dominican province of Cibao during the Spanish colony.[8] However, Espaillat is —via his mother— the great-grandson of former Dominican Senate President Mario Fermín Cabral y Báez through an illegitimate daughter, which makes him a descendant of controversial 19th-century Dominican President Buenaventura Báez.[8]
He is related via his father to several historical Dominican figures, including senators, congressmen, presidents (such as Antonio Guzmán and Danilo Medina) and military officers of the Dominican Republic.[8]

He and his family moved to the United States in 1964. After overstaying a tourist visa, the Espaillats became lawful permanent residents (Green Card holders) in 1965.[9]

Espaillat grew up in Washington Heights. He graduated from Bishop Dubois High School in 1974 and earned his B.S. degree in political science at Queens College, City University of New York in 1978.[4]

Personal life

Espaillat lives in Inwood, Manhattan. He is a member of Phi Beta Sigma fraternity.[9]

Espaillat married Martha Madera in 1979.[10] He has two children and is a grandfather.[11] He is a Yankees fan.[12]

Espaillat is a Catholic, but disagrees with the Church on certain issues.[13]

Earlier career

Espaillat served as the Manhattan Court Services Coordinator for the New York City Criminal Justice Agency, a nonprofit organization that provides indigent legal services and works to reduce unnecessary pretrial detention and post-sentence incarceration costs. As a state-certified conflict resolution mediator and volunteer with the Washington Heights Inwood Conflict Resolutions and Mediation Center, Espaillat helped resolve hundreds of conflicts.[14]

He later worked as director of the Washington Heights Victims Services Community Office, an organization offering counseling and other services to families of victims of homicides and other crimes. From 1994 to 1996, Espaillat served as the director of Project Right Start, a national initiative funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to combat substance abuse by educating the parents of preschool children.[14]

Before his election to the New York State Assembly, Espaillat was an active voice on Manhattan Community Board 12, and president of the 34th Precinct Community Council. Espaillat also served on Governor Mario Cuomo‘s Dominican-American Advisory Board from 1991 to 1993.[14]

New York State Assembly

Espaillat served in the New York State Assembly from 1997 to 2010. He was elected in 1996, defeating 16-year incumbent John Brian Murtaugh in the Democratic primary. Espaillat chaired the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic & Asian Legislative Caucus, and committees on small business and children & families.

In the Assembly, Espaillat was a vocal advocate for tenants, consumers, veterans, immigrants and local businesses. He passed laws encouraging the construction and preservation of affordable housing, giving low-income day care workers the right to organize and obtain health care, and sponsored measures to improve hospital translation services. He also established a higher education scholarship fund for relatives of the victims of American Airlines Flight 587, which crashed on November 12, 2001.[15] Despite national Republican and conservative criticism, Espaillat strongly supported efforts in 2007 to allow Undocumented immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses.[16]

After a wave of assaults and murders against livery cab drivers in 2000 that left over 10 dead, Espaillat passed legislation strengthening penalties for violent crimes against livery drivers and enabled their families to receive New York State Crime Victims Board funding. Livery cabs work in less affluent neighborhoods of New York that typically lack access to yellow cabs.[17]

Espaillat took legal action against power utility Con Edison after equipment failures led to a two-day blackout in Upper Manhattan in July 1999 that caused financial damage to restaurants, bodegas and other small businesses.[18] Con Edison subsequently agreed to invest an additional $100 million in Upper Manhattan electrical infrastructure at no cost to ratepayers and was required to refund customers billed for expenses related to the blackout.[19]

New York State Senate

Office on Columbus Avenue



Espaillat ran for state senate in 2010 after incumbent Eric Schneiderman announced his campaign for New York Attorney General. Espaillat received more than 50% of the vote in a four-way Democratic party. In 2012, Espaillat defeated then-Assemblyman Guillermo Linares 62% – 38% in the Democratic primary.[20]


After losing to Charles Rangel in the Democratic primary for Congress, Espaillat announced candidacy for reelection to his state senate seat, facing former City Councilman Robert Jackson.[21] He was reelected with 50.3% of the vote to Jackson’s 42.7%.[22]


Adriano Espaillat in 2014.

In 2011, Espaillat led the fight to safeguard and strengthen rent regulation for over 1 million affordable housing apartments that was set to expire that year.[23] While tenant protections had been weakened in the past, the agreement reached that year made it more difficult to convert affordable housing to market rate and created a new Tenant Protection Unit within the state’s housing agency.

Espaillat also passed legislation increasing enforcement against businesses that sell alcohol to minors and authored the Notary Public Advertising Act, to crack down on public notaries who prey on vulnerable immigrants by offering fraudulent legal services.[24] He voted in favor of marriage equality legislation in 2011.[25]

State Senate committee assignments

  • Housing, Construction & Community Development (Ranking Member)
  • Environmental Conservation
  • Higher Education
  • Codes
  • Rules
  • Judiciary
  • Finance
  • Insurance

U.S. House of Representatives



In 2012, Espaillat ran in the Democratic primary for New York’s 13th congressional district, in a crowded field that included 42-year incumbent Charles Rangel. The seat had long been a majority-black district, but redistricting after the 2010 census made it a 55% Hispanic-majority district.[26]

In the Democratic primary—the real contest in this heavily Democratic district—Rangel beat Espaillat, 44% to 42%, a margin of less than 1,000 votes. Espaillat placed first in the Bronx section of the district and parts of Upper Manhattan.[27]

The election was marked by reports that Spanish-speaking voters were either turned away at the polls or forced to use affidavit ballots.[28] The New York City Board of Elections was also sharply criticized for its poor handling of the election and subsequent legal proceedings.[29]


In 2014, Espaillat ran against Rangel again, losing for the second consecutive time, 47.7% to 43.1%.


In November 2015, Espaillat announced he would give up his state senate seat to run for Congress again. He was running for an open seat; Rangel had announced in 2014 that he would not seek a 22nd term in 2016.[30] In the Democratic primary, he narrowly defeated his nearest challenger, state assemblyman Keith L. T. Wright, with 36% of the vote. This made him an overwhelming favorite in the general election, which he won with 89% of the vote.

When Espaillat took office on January 3, 2017, he became only the third person to represent what is now the 13th in 72 years. Adam Clayton Powell Jr. held the district from 1945 to 1971; Rangel had won the seat after defeating Powell in the 1970 primary. The district had been numbered as the 22nd district from 1945 to 1953, the 16th from 1953 to 1963, the 18th from 1963 to 1973, the 19th from 1973 to 1983, the 16th from 1983 to 1993, the 15th from 1993 to 2013, and has been the 13th since 2013.


Espaillat with President Joe Biden and Tom Suozzi in 2021

Espaillat serves as a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, the Committee on Education and the Workforce, and the Committee on Small Business. He is a member of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) and was appointed chair of the CHC Task Force for Transportation, Infrastructure and Housing.

In August 2017, after the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, Espaillat and Pennsylvania Representative Dwight E. Evans introduced legislation banning Confederate monuments on federal property.[31]

Espaillat has been critical of Brazil‘s president Jair Bolsonaro. In March 2019 he and 29 other Democratic lawmakers wrote Secretary of State Mike Pompeo a letter that read in part, “Since the election of far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro as president, we have been particularly alarmed by the threat Bolsonaro’s agenda poses to the LGBTQ+ community and other minority communities, women, labor activists, and political dissidents in Brazil.”[32][33]

In January 2023, Espaillat introduced a resolution (H.Res.28) condemning the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey as well as committing to advancing reproductive justice and judicial reform.

On February 1, 2023, Espaillat was named Ranking Member of the Legislative Branch Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee.

In February 2023, Espaillat introduced a bill (H.R 1124) which would abolish the death penalty under Federal law.

Since being elected to Congress, Espaillat has sought to build a network of Dominican elected officials in and around his district, frequently dubbed “The Squadriano” (a portmanteau of Adriano and The Squad).[34]

Espaillat is a member of the Vote Blue Coalition, a progressive group and federal PAC created to support Democrats in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania through voter outreach and mobilization efforts.[35]

Committee assignments

Caucus leadership

  • Congressional Hispanic Caucus, deputy chair
  • Latino-Jewish Caucus, co-chair[40]

Caucus memberships

  • Congressional Progressive Caucus
  • Labor Caucus
  • Foster Youth Caucus
  • LGBT Equality Caucus
  • Black Maternal Health Caucus
  • New Americans Caucus
  • Expand Social Security Caucus
  • Tri-Caucus
  • Pro-Choice Caucus
  • Steel Caucus
  • Wine Caucus
  • Medicare for All Caucus
  • Friends of the Dominican Republic Caucus
  • Friends of Ecuador Caucus[40]

Political positions


In March 2021, Espaillat and Representative Brad Schneider proposed legislation to regulate privately made firearms. This was pitched as an effort to curb gun violence.[41][42]


Espaillat visited an immigration detention facility in Carrizo Springs, Texas, vowing that the U.S. needs to do a better job of connecting migrant children detained at the southern border with their families.[43] The first former Undocumented immigrant in Congress, Espaillat claimed he overstayed a tourist visa in the 1960s and is a staunch supporter of the American Dream and Promise Act.[44]


Espaillat supports Israel’s right to defend itself. In 2019, Espaillat supported the Israel Anti-Boycott Act, an effort that called for criminal penalties of up to $1 million for companies that support the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions Movement against Israel.[45] In August 2019, he released a statement condemning Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision to deny Representatives Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar entry into Israel.[46] In 2023, he voted to provide Israel with support following 2023 Hamas attack on Israel.[47][48]


In 2023, Espaillat was among 56 Democrats to vote in favor of H.Con.Res. 21 which directed President Joe Biden to remove U.S. troops from Syria within 180 days.[49][50]

Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023

Espaillat was among the 46 Democrats who voted against final passage of the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 in the House.[51]

Electoral history

New York City Council

1991 New York City Council District 10 election[52][53]
Primary election
DemocraticGuillermo Linares 1,843 30.06
DemocraticMaría A. Luna1,58525.85
DemocraticAdriano Espaillat1,55025.28
DemocraticHarry C. Fotopoulos86014.03
DemocraticRaynard Edwards2944.80
Total votes6,132 100.00
General election
DemocraticGuillermo Linares 4,901 84.79
ConservativeApolinar Trinidad4607.96
LiberalAdriano Espaillat4197.25
Total votes5,780 100.00
Democratic hold

New York State Assembly

1996 New York State Assembly District 72 election[54][55]
Primary election
DemocraticAdriano Espaillat 3,604 52.95
DemocraticJohn Brian Murtaugh (incumbent)3,20347.05
Total votes6,807 100.00
General election
DemocraticAdriano Espaillat 15,098 81.01
LiberalJohn Brian Murtaugh (incumbent)2,21611.89
RepublicanHector Ramirez1,1746.30
IndependenceTheo Maltas1500.81
Total votes18,638 100.00
Democratic hold
1998 New York State Assembly District 72 election[56][57]
Primary election
DemocraticAdriano Espaillat (incumbent) 4,323 64.66
DemocraticIsabel Evangelista2,36335.34
Total votes6,686 100.00
General election
DemocraticAdriano Espaillat (incumbent) 12,387 92.16
RepublicanFaisal M. Sipra7935.90
IndependenceElizabeth Elliotte2611.94
Total votes13,441 100.00
Democratic hold
2000 New York State Assembly District 72 election[58]
Primary election
DemocraticAdriano Espaillat (incumbent) 20,724 92.05
RepublicanNilda Luz Rexach1,6107.15
ConservativeDavid J. Brache1790.80
Total votes22,513 100.00
Democratic hold
2002 New York State Assembly District 72 election[59][60]
Primary election
DemocraticAdriano Espaillat (incumbent) 5,652 79.85
DemocraticRubén Dario Vargas1,42620.15
Total votes7,078 100.00
General election
DemocraticAdriano Espaillat (incumbent) 8,820 85.03
RepublicanNilda Luz Rexach1,32012.73
IndependenceJose Reyes2332.25
Total votes10,373 100.00
Democratic hold
2004 New York State Assembly District 72 election[61]
Primary election
DemocraticAdriano Espaillat (incumbent) 22,230 91.85
RepublicanMartin Chicon1,9738.15
Total votes24,203 100.00
Democratic hold
2006 New York State Assembly District 72 election[62][63]
Primary election
DemocraticAdriano Espaillat (incumbent) 3,975 68.15
DemocraticFrancesca Castellanos1,15619.82
DemocraticMiguel Estrella70212.04
Total votes5,833 100.00
General election
DemocraticAdriano Espaillat (incumbent) 14,176 90.02
RepublicanMartin Chicon1,1097.04
CoalitionFrancesca Castellanos4632.94
Total votes15,748 100.00
Democratic hold
2008 New York State Assembly District 72 election[64][65]
Primary election
DemocraticAdriano Espaillat (incumbent) 4,542 54.06
DemocraticMiguel Martinez3,86045.94
Total votes8,402 100.00
General election
DemocraticAdriano Espaillat (incumbent) 26,712 94.15
RepublicanBill Buran1,6615.85
Total votes28,373 100.00
Democratic hold

New York State Senate

2010 New York State Senate District 31 election[66][67]
Primary election
DemocraticAdriano Espaillat 13,499 52.57
DemocraticMark Levine9,69637.76
DemocraticAnna R. Lewis1,9427.56
DemocraticMiosotis Munoz5412.11
Total votes25,678 100.00
General election
DemocraticAdriano Espaillat 50,007 83.88
RepublicanStylo A. Sapaskis6,38810.72
GreenAnn J. Roos2,1583.62
ConservativeRaphael M. Klapper9641.62
independent (politician)Mark Levine (write-in)590.10
Total votes59,620 100.00
Democratic hold
2012 New York State Senate District 31 election[68][69]
Primary election
DemocraticAdriano Espaillat (incumbent) 11,138 61.29
DemocraticGuillermo Linares6,92738.12
Total votes18,172 100.00
General election
DemocraticAdriano Espaillat (incumbent) 84,944 91.11
RepublicanMartin Chicon8,1848.78
Total votes93,234 100.00
Democratic hold
2014 New York State Senate District 31 election[70][71]
Primary election
DemocraticAdriano Espaillat (incumbent) 10,439 49.89
DemocraticRobert Jackson9,01943.10
DemocraticLuis M. Tejada1,4667.01
Total votes20,924 100.00
General election
DemocraticAdriano Espaillat (incumbent) 37,089 99.19
Total votes37,390 100.00
Democratic hold

U.S. House of Representatives

2012 New York’s 13th congressional district election[72]
Primary election
DemocraticCharles Rangel (incumbent) 19,187 44.45
DemocraticAdriano Espaillat18,10141.93
DemocraticClyde Edward Williams Jr.4,2669.88
DemocraticJoyce S. Johnson1,0182.36
DemocraticCraig Schley5981.39
Total votes43,170 100.00
2014 New York’s 13th congressional district election[73]
Primary election
DemocraticCharles Rangel (incumbent) 23,799 47.76
DemocraticAdriano Espaillat21,47743.10
DemocraticMichael A. Walrond Jr.3,9547.94
DemocraticYolanda Garcia5971.20
Total votes49,827 100.00
2016 New York’s 13th congressional district election[74][75]
Primary election
DemocraticAdriano Espaillat 16,377 35.87
DemocraticKeith L. T. Wright15,52834.01
DemocraticClyde Edward Williams Jr.5,00310.96
DemocraticAdam Clayton Powell IV2,9866.54
DemocraticGuillermo Linares2,5045.49
DemocraticSuzan Johnson Cook2,3415.13
DemocraticMichael Gallagher4350.95
DemocraticSam Sloan2270.50
DemocraticYohanny Caceres1160.25
Total votes45,655 100.00
General election
DemocraticAdriano Espaillat 207,194 88.64
RepublicanRobert A. Evans Jr.13,1295.62
IndependenceRobert A. Evans Jr.2,9601.27
TotalRobert A. Evans Jr.16,0896.88
GreenDaniel Vila Rivera8,2483.53
independent (politician)Scott L. Fenstermaker1,8770.80
Total votes233,737 100.00
Democratic hold
2018 New York’s 13th congressional district election[76]
DemocraticAdriano Espaillat171,34189.85
Working FamiliesAdriano Espaillat8,6944.56
Total Adriano Espaillat (incumbent) 180,035 94.41
RepublicanJineea Butler9,5355.00
ReformJineea Butler7330.38
TotalJineea Butler10,2685.38
Total votes190,688 100.00
Democratic hold
2020 New York’s 13th congressional district election[77][78]
Primary election
DemocraticAdriano Espaillat (incumbent) 46,066 58.94
DemocraticJames Felton Keith19,79925.33
DemocraticRamon Rodriguez11,85915.17
Total votes78,158 100.00
General election
DemocraticAdriano Espaillat202,91679.46
Working FamiliesAdriano Espaillat28,92511.33
Total Adriano Espaillat (incumbent) 231,841 90.79
RepublicanLovelynn “Love” Gwinn19,8297.77
ConservativeChristopher Morris-Perry3,2951.29
Total votes255,370 100.00
Democratic hold

See also


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New York State Assembly
Preceded by

Member of the New York Assembly
from the 72nd district

Succeeded by

New York State Senate
Preceded by

Member of the New York Senate
from the 31st district

Succeeded by

U.S. House of Representatives
Preceded by

Member of the U.S. House of Representatives
from New York’s 13th congressional district

U.S. order of precedence (ceremonial)
Preceded by

United States representatives by seniority
Succeeded by


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